Our hospital is committed to providing the highest quality care and ensuring the safety of our patients, 员工, 供应商, 义工及访客. We are continuing to monitor the evolving situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) and are taking the necessary steps to ensure we are fully prepared to care for patients, in accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and in partnership with our local and state 卫生部门s.
以下是一些帮助您和您的家人了解COVID-19的资源. 有关该病毒的最新信息,请与 卫生部门.
- MS州卫生部: http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/14,0,420.html
- 密西西比州冠状病毒热线(8a.m. – 5 p.m.电话:877-978-645
MG冰球突破官网医院的首要任务是保障病人的健康和幸福, 供应商, 员工与社区. We continue to closely monitor the prevalence of coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community and follow state and federal guidance as we adapt our operations to safely care for and support our patients. 以下访客政策将于2022年3月1日生效.
- All visitors are required to check-in with registration for a temperature and symptoms screening. 游客 will be provided a visitor pass that must be worn at all times during the visit. 游客将登记退房并归还通行证.
- 一个 (1) well visitor/caregiver is allowed for all inpatients during the hours of 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. 游客 may enter through the front lobby/main entrance of the hospital Monday through Friday and the Emergency Department on Saturday and Sunday. Additional visitors will not be permitted until the visitor pass is returned to registration.
- One well visitor/caregiver will be allowed for patients entering the Emergency Department.
- One well visitor/caregiver will be allowed for patients receiving a surgical procedure, 门诊和住院都有.
- ONLY OB patients and pediatric patients will continue to be allowed one well visitor/caregiver for overnight stay.
- 长期护理 visitation is dependent on positivity rates for Bolivar County and is determined by the State Guidelines. 探视政策将传达给居民及其家属.
- 访客不允许进入重症监护室, 高风险, 隔离, immunocompromised and/or respiratory patients who are under observation or test positive for COVID-19.
- 游客 who fail the kiosk temperature check or exhibit signs and symptoms of illness will not be allowed in the facility.
- 在整个设施内都需要戴口罩.
- Well visitors/caregivers are required to stay in the designated area(s) with the patient.
- 自助餐厅仍然不对公众开放.
- 游客必须年满18岁.
Circumstances may allow for specific exceptions to the criteria above at the physician’s discretion. Flexibility is allowed based on local community COVID-19 activity or other extenuating circumstances.
是什么 MG冰球突破官网 为SARS-CoV-2染色体变体做准备?
MG冰球突破官网的团队在管理和治疗各种类型的传染病方面非常熟练, 包括COVID-19. We are continuing to closely follow guidance from the CDC and our local/state 卫生部门s and are adhering to the rigorous health and safety protocols that have always been in place at our facility. 这些作业规程在大流行开始时得到进一步加强,其中包括:
- 要求MG冰球突破官网设施内的所有人都戴上面具
- 筛查COVID-19症状
- 加强清洁和消毒程序
- 穿戴适当的个人防护装备
- 隔离确诊或疑似COVID-19患者
Early data suggest that Omicron is likely more transmissible than any other identified strain – including the Delta variant – which means it is more contagious. 欧米克隆已在大多数美国.S. 并正在迅速增加其引起的COVID-19病例的比例. 的 疾病预防控制中心预计,任何感染了欧米克隆的人都可以将病毒传播给他人, 即使他们接种了疫苗或没有症状.
We are still learning about the characteristics of the Omicron variant as the research continues to evolve. For now, we know that the best thing you can do is get a COVID-19 vaccine to help protect yourself. 接种疫苗的人传播 病毒的可能性大大降低, 如果他们确实 感染了COVID-19,就会 病得很重, 需要住院或死亡.
研究正在进行中, 但目前的疫苗有望预防严重疾病, 因感染欧米克隆变异而住院和死亡.
Is 医院 对covid -19阳性患者进行欧米克隆变异检测?
We 是/不是 对COVID-19患者进行检测,以确定他们可能感染的是哪种菌株. 特定类型的变异不会影响MG冰球突破官网对COVID-19患者的护理, nor does it impact the health and safety protocols already in place to protect our team and all those who enter our facilities.
MG冰球突破官网已经有了对付欧米克隆的合适工具. 的 best defense is to get a COVID-19 vaccine and encourage everyone you know to get vaccinated. 此时此刻, most of the patients we are seeing who are hospitalized with COVID-19 are unvaccinated. 戴口罩也是明智的, socially distance from others and practice proper hand hygiene to help slow the spread of illness.
如果我已经接种了疫苗, should I get a 升压 shot to help further protect myself against the Omicron variant?
是的. 如果您符合接受COVID-19疫苗加强剂的标准, it is strongly recommended that you get one as soon as possible to help protect yourself and prevent the spread of illness. 疾病预防控制中心 建议所有年龄在18岁及以上的人都应该服用 升压 在他们最初的J&J/Janssen vaccine or six months after completing their primary COVID-19 vaccination series of Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna.
Are breakthrough infections more likely with the Omicron variant if I’m already vaccinated?
无论具体的变异如何,都有可能出现突破性病例, 因为没有疫苗是100%有效的. 好消息是,即使你在完全接种疫苗后感染了COVID-19, 你显著降低 成为 重病 或需要住院治疗的可能性.
的 best source of information regarding the presence and impact of the Omicron variant in our community is the 当地卫生部门.
它是 normal for viruses to mutate and develop new strains – this happens with the influenza virus every year, 例如. 正因为如此, 目前有几种不同的SARS-CoV-2菌株 正在流行, 随着时间的推移,其他菌株可能也会出现. 它是 very important to get a COVID-19 vaccine to help protect yourself and others from any strain of the virus.
MG冰球突破官网 is urging community members to wear face masks or cloth face coverings in public areas where social distancing is not easily achieved in an effort to help stop the spread of COVID-19. This aligns with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and State Department of Health, 这是防止疾病传播的有效方法. 的 hospital has already instituted a universal masking protocol within its facilities and requires anyone entering to wear a face mask at all time.
并不是所有的掩码都是一样的. 戴上正确的帽子,保证你和其他人的安全. 请看下面的图片. 点击图片下载更大的/可打印的文件
由于COVID-19病毒, the 发布信息 Department will process all request for medical records via fax and mail. 如果你想要一份你的病历, please complete the HIPAA Authorization Release Form and either fax or mail to the address or fax number below. HIPAA授权表格也可以在MG冰球突破官网的网站上找到 0.e7gd.net. 另外,如果你想要一份你的放射学光盘,它也会被邮寄. 如果您有任何问题,请拨打以下电话. 给您带来的不便,MG冰球突破官网深表歉意.
社区 & 患者教育页面
所有媒体查询,请致电662-846-2238与市场总监联系,或发送电子邮件 bolv.bolivarinfo@lpnt.网,或留言 @BolivarMedicalCenter 在Facebook上.